Cymryd rhan - take part

Dal Dy Ddŵr!
Hold Your Water!

Am faint mor hir ydach chi’n medru dal dŵr yn dy ddwylo cyn iddo ddiflanu? Mae cyfle i enill £20 am yr amser hiraf!

For how long can you hold water in your hands before it disappears? There’s a chance to win £20 for the longest time!

Holi’r Dyffryn!
Ask the Valley!

Beth hoffech chi ei wybod am ddŵr croyw yn ardal Dyffryn Conwy? Ychwanegwch at ein rhestr o gwestiynau … ac ychwanegwch unrhyw atebion

What would you like to know about freshwater in the Conwy Valley area? Add to our list of questions … and add any answers

Dewch i un o'n digwyddiadau

O adeiladu pyllau i deithiau cerdded afonydd a sgyrsiau hanes, mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb

Come to one of our events

From pond-building to river walks and history talks, there is something for everyone

Gwnewch rywbeth yn eich cymuned

A oes rhywbeth yr hoffech ei wneud yn eich ardal? Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb arbennig (e.e. pysgota) yr hoffech chi weithio gydag eraill arno? Neu rywbeth yr ydych yn poeni amdano? Neu hoffech chi gael gwybod?

Do something in your community

Is there something you’d like to do in your area? Do you have a particular interest (eg fishing) that you’d like to work with others on? Or something you are concerned about? Or would like to find out?

Gweithio gyda chreadigrwydd
Working with creativity

Rydym yn chwilio am bobl a hoffai weithio gyda’u cymunedau ar gyfer dŵr croyw glân ac iach yn Nyffryn Conwy mewn ffyrdd creadigol. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn dysgu gyda’n gilydd am sut y gallai dulliau creadigol helpu i ymgysylltu â chymunedau

We are seeking people who would like to work with their communities for clean and healthy freshwater in Dyffryn Conwy in creative ways.

We are interested in learning together about how creative methods might help engage with communities

Cysylltwch! Get in touch!

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych

We would love to hear from you

Diweddariadau - Updates

Hoffem eich diweddaru am y prosiect a digwyddiadau yn Nalgylch Conwy.

Byddwn yn cadw eich manylion cyswllt ond ni fyddwn byth yn eu rhannu ag unrhyw un arall heb eich caniatâd.

Gallwch optio allan unrhyw bryd drwy anfon e-bost atom ar:

We’d like to keep you updated about the project and events in the Conwy Catchment area.

We will keep your contact details but will never share them with anyone else without your permission.

You can opt out at any time by simply emailing us on: