Rhodri Owen
Yn byw ym mhentref Ysbyty Ifan ac efo gwreiddiau dwfn yn yr ardal wledig hon, dwi’n cynnal gyrfa greadigol yn fy mro enedigol drwy rannu fy amser rhwng gwaith saer dodrefn ac amrywiol bethau yn ymwneud â chelf.
Heb i mi sylwi bron, mae’r rhan fwyaf o fy allbwn creadigol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi eu hysbrydoli mewn ryw fodd gan fy ngwreiddiau yn Ysbyty ac ardal Nant Conwy. Mae hyn yn wir am y gwaith coed fel ag y mae am y gwaith celf – y llinynnau themaol yn plethu ac yn croesi drwy’r ddau faes, i greu un cywaith mawr ar draws prosiectau. Mwy o rwyd nac o linyn efallai.
Os edrychwn ar fap - llinyn eitha amlwg sy’n rhedeg drwy’r ardal fynyddig yma ydi’r Afon Conwy, a ro’r enw hynafol Nant Conwy ar y fro, a’i lled-nentydd niferus yn ‘mestyn eu brigau at gymunedau mewn pentrefi sydd a’u bodolaeth yn deillio o’r dŵr.
Efo Gofod Glas, mae’n debyg fy mod yn chwilio am y cysylltiad dyfn yma efo lle, ac felly o ganlyniad efo dŵr ac elfenau penodol ohono.
Oes modd personoliaethu afon neu nant neu ffynnon? Mae eu henwau ar lafar yn y fro, ac yn wir enwid plant ar eu holau, fel arfer fel enw canol ond ddim bob tro. Nid oes gwarant bod pawb a enwid ar ôl afon neu lyn yn meddwl dim am y peth, ond rydw i yn awyddus iawn i ddarganfod be ydi eu perthynas efo’r afonydd ac ati sy’n rhannu eu henw, ac efo dŵr yn gyffredinol.
Rydw i eisioes wedi cychwyn holi Llugwy, Euarth, Eidda a Serw (efo mwy i ddod) a datblygu wnaiff llif a chyfeiriad y gwaith wrth holi a chlywed mwy gan fwy o bobol. Bydd hyn yn pontio’n naturiol at ymgysylltu ac amaethwyr a physgotwyr yr ardal - gan ddefnyddio llên gwerin a hanes, yn ogystal a’r sgyrsiau cychwynol i wneud hynny mewn ffordd greadigol.
Cysylltwch drwy’r wefan os am gymryd rhan.
Living in the village of Ysbyty Ifan and with deep roots in this area, I maintain a creative career in a rural setting by dividing my time between furniture making and various pursuits related to art.
Almost without noticing, most of my creative output over the past few years has been inspired in some way by my relationship to where I live – and it’s history, folklore, topography and people. This is true for both furniture making and art - the thematic threads weave and cross through both to create one cyfanwaith across projects. More of a net than a thread perhaps.
But if we look at a map - a very obvious thread that runs through this mountainous area is the Afon Conwy and its many tributaries that branch into communities in villages whose existence is indebted to the water.
With Gofod Glas, I'm looking at this deep connection with place, and therefore with water and specific aspects of it.
Is it possible to personalise a river or a stream or a well? Their names are spoken in the area, and indeed children are named after them, usually as a middle name but not every time. There is no guarantee that everyone named after a river or lake thinks anything of it, but I am very keen to find out what their relationship is with the rivers, and so on, that share their name as well as their connection to water in general.
I've already started asking Llugwy, Euarth, Eidda and Serw (with more to come) and this will develop the flow and direction of the work as I engage and listen to more people. This will naturally transition to engaging with farmers and fishermen in the area - using folklore and history, as well as the initial conversations to do so in a creative way.
Contact through the website if you want to participate.
Cysylltwch! Get in touch!
Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych
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