Cwestiynau - Questions
Holi’r Dyffryn - Ask the valley!
Pa gwestiynau sydd gennych chi am ddŵr croyw yn Nyffryn Conwy?
A rhowch wybod i ni os oes gennych chi unrhyw atebion
What questions do yuu have about freshwater in the Conwy Valleys?
And let us know if you have any answers
Rydyn ni eisiau darganfod yr hyn nad ydyn ni’n ei wybod - beth rydyn ni angen ei wybod - cyn cymryd unrhyw ‘gamau gweithredu’.
Mae hyn oherwydd pan fydd pethau’n gymhleth (a dŵr croyw YN gymhleth!) neu os nad ydym yn gwybod rhywbeth, neu pan fydd gan bobl/sefydliadau farn wahanol, rydym yn gwneud rhagdybiaethau a all wedyn arwain at ddadleuon a chamau gweithredu sy’n gwaethygu pethau.
Rydym wedi canfod bod sefydliadau yn aml yn methu’r cam hwn. A gall hyn achosi gwrthdaro a chamau gweithredu.
We want to find out what we don’t know - what we need to know - before any ‘action’ is taken.
This is because when things are complex (and freshwater IS complex!) or if we don’t know something, or when people/organisations have different opinions, we make assumptions that can then lead to arguments and actions that make things worse.
We have found that organisations often miss this step. And this can cause conflicts and mis-taken actions.

Taith y Dwr - Be’ dan ni isio gwybod?
The Water’s Journey - What do we want to know?
Beth ydy'r afon hiraf yn y dyffryn? // What’s the longest river in the valley?
Pa mor hir mae'n ei gymryd i ddŵr deithio o un pen pob afon i geg Afon Conwy? // How long does it take water to travel from one end of each river to the mouth of the Conwy?
Faint o afonydd sydd yn Nyffryn Conwy? // How many rivers are there in the Conwy Valley?
What’s unusual about the Conwy valleys? I read it was maybe the biggest in Wales?
Is the Conwy catchment isolated or does Dwr Cymru pump water between catchment areas?
What are the big issues?
Beth yw'r problemau mawr? // What are the big problems?
Pa newidiadau sydd angen eu gwneud? // What changes need to be made?
What impact does it have on me?
Oes na unrhywbeth syth yn natur? // Is there anything straight in nature?
Ydi dwr yn cael dewis lle ma isho mynd? // Does the water get to choose where it wants to go?
How different is the water before it arrives from the sky, and after it leaves?
Where does my tap water come from?
o ble byddech chi'n yfed //
where would you drink from?
Sut beth yw ansawdd y dŵr yn ein llynnoedd a’n hafonydd? // What’s the water quality like in our lakes and rivers?
Ydy'r dŵr yn lân? // Is the water clean?
Is water ever polluted or is pollution carried by water?
How can I find out where it is safe to swim?
Is there any advice on which lakes to swim in (ie least polluted)?
Why is there bleach in our tap water?
Sawl eog sydd ar ôl? A oes unrhyw Eog? // How many salmon are left? Are there any Salmon?
Where’s the best place to watch the salmon leap?
Why are there twice as much salmon in some years as others?
Does restocking fish reduce the fucundity of returning fish?
Is avian predation a problem? If it is, why is a natural preditor eating natural prey a problem?
Did Salmon used to be as important to people and the eco-system as it was in North America?
Ble mae'r llysywod? // where are the eels?
How many otters live in this river?
Did you say the information on the website about frogs and tadpoles was on the website?
Are the beavers helping with the water?
Ble mae'r problemau llygredd gwaethaf?// Where are the worst pollution problems?
Beth allwn ni ei wneud am dwristiaid/faniau a gwastraff dynol wrth ymyl Llynnau Mymbyr? // What can we do about tourists/vans and human waste next to Llynnau Mymbyr?
Is there a problem with outflow from sewage works or not?
Is there any control of silage runoff and slurry into rivers?
Are there other volunteer groups who clean up the rivers?
We have caddies now for food waste. Where does that go? Do they use it for feeding farm animals?
Where are the important wetlands? How are they doing? How do these affect flooding and freshwater quality?
I read about a scheme in the Lake District (?) where they restored wetlands and it reduced flooding. Would that work here? Is anything already being done?
I heard the river being too acid is a problem. What’s causing that? What does this affect?
Sut bydd y cyfundrefnau plannu coed newydd yn effeithio ar wlyptiroedd?
// How will wetlands be affected by the new tree-planting regimes?Do we need commercial forestry anymore? How does it affect the water quality and flooding?
Could we harvest minerals from plants growing on mine-contaminated land or water?
Pam mae fy ffynnon yn sychu'n amlach nawr?// Why does my well dry up more often now?
What’s the connection between having worse floodings AND worse droughts and how does - and will - this affect how humans and other creatures to survive here (eg farming, biodiversity)?
Teulu yn berchen cae wrth yr afon. Be medrwn I wneud fyddai orau i'r afon? My family owns a field next to the river. What to do for the best for the river?
Fyddai carthu’r afon yn atal y llifogydd? // Would dredging the river stop the flooding?
Sut bydd newid hinsawdd yn effeithio ar lifogydd a sychder? // How will climate change affect flooding and drought?
Beth mae Dŵr Cymru yn ei wneud am y draeniau storm yng Nghapel Curig?
// What are Welsh Water doing about the storm drains in Capel Curig?A oes unrhyw gymorth i adeiladu pwll? Neu i gael casgen ddŵr?
// Is there any support to build a pond? Or to get a water butt?
Lle mae’r pŵer yn eistedd?
Where does the power lie?
Ydy newid yn bosib? // Is change possible?
What can I do?
How do we have a more intimate relationship with the river?
What are the barriers between us and the water?
Who owns what?
How do we stop making the water companies put in end of pipe solutions?
Why doesn’t government stop subsidies that damage the environment eg for things like growing crops that leave the soil bare over winter?
A ellir defnyddio'r gyfatebiaeth o systemau dŵr croyw sy'n cynnal bywyd i eiriol dros undod ar draws ffiniau? // Can the analogy of freshwater systems which sustains life, be used to advocate for solidarity across borders?
Beth yw gwleidyddiaeth dŵr croyw, dynameg pŵer, effaith etifeddiaeth drefedigaethol barhaus a rhagdybiaethau? // What are the politics of freshwater, the power dynamics, the impact of continued colonial legacy and assumptions?
What impact does it have on me?
When will this be ok?
Why is this happening?
Do we need plastic?
What is needed to turn water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules?
Holi’r Afon: Ask the River
Do you have a right to privacy?
Do you want to be touched?
Do you mind people swimming in your water?
Do you sometimes want to be alone?
How much would you like to be seen?
How does it feel when the products on our skin, our bodies and our clothes seep into you?
Can I swim in your hair?
Solitude or loneliness?
Do you miss the paddle steamers?
Do you care about the economy?
How old are you?
Are you a boy or a girl?
Did you have a past life?
What secrets do you hold?
What have you seen over the years?
How long have you been here?
What can you teach us of the past?
Have you ever seen a ‘superbloom’?
Have you always been a river?
Do you call this valley ‘home’?
Do you wear shoes made of rainwater and trousers of water?
What do you call yourself?
Wyt ti’n hapus yma?
Do you have a spirit?
How do you feel in rainfall, and in drought?
Are floods your way of telling us something is not right?
Do you relate differently to your tributaries that come from the mines?
Do you preserve the voices of the miners - do you remember the voices of those who use to work here?
Afon, how do you change your direction?
Ble daeth yr afon?
Pam wyt ti wedi dewis i lifo lawr fana?Do you wish to be free?
When were you last saltwater?
Where do you prefer to be?
Where do you transform from saltwater to freshwater?
Have you ever seen a desert?
Do you dream of warmer, sunnier places?
What’s the longest you’ve ever spent in one place?
Can you feel the change?
Do you wish to be the only water to leave the earth, on a rocket to space, and see the whole blue planet?
Oes gen ti obaith? // Do you have hope?
Wyt ti'n poeni am ymmddygiad pobl, anifeiliaid, planhigion, cerrig, tywod, a phethau dieithr yn dy ddyfroedd? // Are you worried about the behavior of people, animals, plants, stones, sand, and strange things in your waters?
Are you ok?
How are you doing?
Do you feel resilient?Are you clean? Do you want to be clean?
I’m worried about you river. Are you ok?
Do you like being monitored?
What can we give you to help you clean yourself?
Do you like people swimming in you?
How can we help pick up the rubbish in you?
Can you cope with all that comes your way?
Sut dach chi’n teimlo lludo’r llanast y pobl?
How can we help you?
How can we heal you?
What do we need to do to preserve you and make you healthier?
What can we do to help clean you up?
What do you need us to do?
River swimming: health… Health? Healing? Wellbeing? Trend? Exploitation?
Who heals you?Do you mean to heal my mind when I swim in you?
The pollution that we do to you, do we also do this to ourselves?
Do the disinfectants down our sinks and toilets harm you and the life that lives in you?
How does it feel when people throw our waste into you?
Why did my friend’s dog die when she swam in you? Can you harm me too?
Are you cleaner than your family in England?
What does cleanliness mean to you?
Is that sewage floating in your water?
Sawl creadur sydd wedi dy yfed di? // How many creatures have drunk you?
Do you have otters?
Why does yr afanc eat people?
Are there sharks here?
How many fish are you home to (and which species)?
Lle mae’r pysgod yn Penmachno? // What’s happened to the fish in Penmachno?
If you could get rid of one thing, what would it be?
If you could have one thing, what would it be?
If you could change one thing, what would it be?If you could turn back the clock, would you?
How does it feel when the products on our skin, our bodies and our clothes seep into you?
Are floods your way of telling us something is not right?
Do you have a spirit?
Have you always been a river?
Why did my friend’s dog die when she swam in you? Can you harm me too?
Do you wish to be free?
Do you sometimes want to be alone?
How are you doing?
How do you feel?
Are you happy? What makes you happy?
Are you treated with respect?
How do you flow, where have you come from?
What did you used to be like? What has changed?
What do you think of us? Can you forgive humans?
How will you be working for people in a hundred years time?
Where do you want to go?
How do we help?
How do they filter your water?
Do you remember me?
Do you ever sleep?