Ministry Dŵr - Ministry of Water

Ministry Dŵr
Poeni am gyflwr ein dŵr croyw? Wedi blino ar hen ddadleuon? Sefydliadau nad ydynt yn gwneud eu gwaith?
Ein cenhadaeth yw dod â gwahanol bobl, profiadau, safbwyntiau a gwybodaeth ynghyd i [ail] ddarganfod ffyrdd o fyw gyda chynefinoedd dŵr croyw iach.
Mae’r Ministry y Dŵr yn gwybod bod angen llawer o safbwyntiau gwahanol arnom i gael darlun llawn, yn hytrach na dibynnu ar ‘arbenigwyr’ o un safbwynt.
Rydym yn galw am eich pryderon, cwestiynau a mewnwelediadau…
Ministry of Water
Concerned about the state of our freshwater? Concerned about drought or flooding? Tired of old arguments? Organisations not doing their job?
Our mission is to bring together different people, experiences, perspectives and knowledge to [re] discover sustainable ways of living with healthy freshwater.
The Ministry of Water knows we need lots of different perspectives to get a full picture, rather than relying on ‘experts’ from one point of view.
We are calling for your concerns, questions and insights…
Rydyn ni eisiau darganfod yr hyn nad ydyn ni’n ei wybod - beth rydyn ni angen ei wybod - cyn cymryd unrhyw ‘gamau gweithredu’.
Mae hyn oherwydd pan fydd pethau’n gymhleth (a dŵr croyw YN gymhleth!) neu os nad ydym yn gwybod rhywbeth, neu pan fydd gan bobl/sefydliadau farn wahanol, rydym yn gwneud rhagdybiaethau a all wedyn arwain at ddadleuon a chamau gweithredu sy’n gwaethygu pethau.
Rydym wedi canfod bod sefydliadau yn aml yn methu’r cam hwn. A gall hyn achosi gwrthdaro a chamau gweithredu.
Rydym wedi dechrau drwy gasglu cwestiynau sydd gan bobl am gyflwr ein dŵr croyw yn Nyffrynnoedd Conwy. Sut beth yw ansawdd y dŵr? Ble mae'r problemau gwaethaf? Ydy llifogydd yn gwaethygu? Pwy/beth sydd â'r grym mwyaf i newid pethau? Gallwch weld yr holl gwestiynau y mae pobl wedi'u gofyn yma
Byddwn yn rhannu'r holl gwestiynau a gawn!
Yna byddwn yn dechrau proses o ofyn iddynt i bobl a sefydliadau, gan gydweithio i geisio eu hateb… gan gynnwys trwy gynnal Sgyrsiau Cwrwgl…
We want to find out what we don’t know - what we need to know - before any ‘action’ is taken.
This is because when things are complex (and freshwater IS complex!) or if we don’t know something, or when people/organisations have different opinions, we make assumptions that can then lead to arguments and actions that make things worse.
We have found that organisations often miss this step. And this can cause conflicts and mis-taken actions.
We have started by gathering questions the people have about the state of our freshwater in the Conwy Valleys. What’s the water quality like? Where are the worst problems? Is flooding be getting worse? Who/what has most power to change things?
You can see all the questions people have asked here
We will share all the questions we receive!
We’ll then start a process of asking them to people and organisations, working together to try to answer them… including through holding Coracle Conversations…
Y pysgotwr a’r bardd, Ioan Glan Lledr, yn ei gwrwgl tua 1880. Credir mai ef yw’r olaf i bysgota gyda chwrwgl ar afonydd Lledr a Chonwy. The fisherman and poet, Ioan Glan Lledr, in his coracle in about 1880. He is believed to be the last to fish with a coracle on the Lledr and Conwy rivers.
A allai Cwrwgl Conwy ein helpu i gael sgyrsiau da am ddŵr croyw?
Mae cwryglau yn cynrychioli cysylltiad agos rhwng pobl a'r amgylchedd, wrth eu gwneud a'u defnydd. Ac roedd cwrwgl Conwy yn unigryw (wel, yn anarferol o leiaf) gan ei fod wedi'i gynllunio ar gyfer dau berson.
A allai Cwrwgl Conwy fod yn ofod neu’n symbol perffaith ar gyfer sgyrsiau dŵr croyw? Ar gyfer pysgota am neu ‘gasglu’ safbwyntiau gwahanol?
Rydym am geisio adeiladu fflyd fechan o gwryglau Conwy chwilio am bobl a hoffai gymryd rhan
Bydd y cyfle cyntaf yn Gofod Glas, Llanrwst yn ystod mis Mawrth 2025.
Wrth i ni ei adeiladu, byddwn yn gwrando ar ein gilydd, yn rhannu profiadau, straeon, ysbrydoliaeth a syniadau ac (efallai) dod o hyd i dir cyffredin.
Bydd y cwryglau canlyniadol yn cael eu defnyddio fel gofodau ar gyfer sgwrs - neu fel symbol bod angen cael sgwrs
Could the Conwy Coracle help us have good conversations about freshwater?
Coracles represent an intimate connection between people and the environment, in their making and in their use. And the Conwy coracle was unique (well, unusual at least) in that it was designed for two people.
more about the history of the Conwy Coracle here
Could the Conwy Coracle be the perfect space or symbol for freshwater conversations? For fishing for or ‘gathering in’ different perspectives?
We are going to build a small fleet of Conwy Coracles and are seeking people who would like to take part.
The first opportunity will be at Gofod Glas, Llanrwst during March 2025.
While we are building the coracles, we will to listen to each other, share experience, stories, inspirations and ideas and (perhaps) find common ground.
The resulting coracles will be used as spaces for conversation - or as a symbol that a conversation needs to be had
"With the approach of the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969, efforts were made to seek a political solution.
Denis Coslett of the Free Wales Army invited the Prime Minister Harold Wilson to meet him for coracle based discussions in the middle of the River Tywi but this invitation was declined."
- Rivers in the Welsh physical and cultural landscape by Catherine Duigan (p 19)