Oracl Cwrwgl Conwy Coracle Conversations

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Hoffech chi helpu i adeiladu Cwrwgl Conwy?

Mae'r Weinyddiaeth Dŵr yn galw am wirfoddolwyr i helpu i adeiladu Cwrwgl Conwy.

Dros y misoedd diwethaf, mae Gofod Glas wedi bod yn gofyn i bobl pa gwestiynau sydd ganddyn nhw am gyflwr ein dŵr croyw yn Nyffrynnoedd Conwy. Sut ansawdd sydd i’r dŵr? Ble mae'r problemau gwaethaf? Ydy llifogydd yn gwaethygu? Pwy/beth sydd â'r grym mwyaf i newid pethau? Gallwch weld (ac ychwanegu at) yr holl gwestiynau y mae pobl wedi'u gofyn yma.

Yn ogystal â pharhau i ofyn y cwestiynau hyn, rydym nawr am ddod â phobl at ei gilydd i gael sgyrsiau da er mwyn rannu safbwyntiau ar atebion posibl. Ac rydym am ddechrau drwy adeiladu fflyd o gwryglau Conwy, yn Llanrwst ym mis Mawrth 2025.


A allai Cwrwgl Conwy ein helpu i gael sgyrsiau da am ddŵr croyw?

Dyma’r pysgotwr a’r bardd, Ioan Glan Lledr, yn ei gwrwgl tua 1880. Credir mai ef yw’r olaf i bysgota gyda chwrwgl ar afonydd Lledr a Chonwy.

Mae cwryglau yn cynrychioli cysylltiad agos rhwng pobl a'r amgylchedd, eu gwneuthuriad a'u defnydd. Ac roedd cwrwgl Conwy yn unigryw (wel, yn anarferol o leiaf) gan ei fod wedi'i gynllunio ar gyfer dau berson. Mwy am hanes Cwrwgl Conwy yma

A allai Cwrwgl Conwy fod yn ofod neu’n symbol perffaith ar gyfer sgyrsiau dŵr croyw? Ar gyfer pysgota neu ‘gasglu’ safbwyntiau gwahanol?

Rydym am geisio adeiladu fflyd fechan o Gwryglau Conwy ac yn chwilio am bobl a hoffai gymryd rhan. Mae cymryd rhan AM DDIM. Cynhelir y gweithdai yn Llanrwst ym mis Mawrth 2025.

I ddarganfod mwy/mynegi diddordeb e-bostiwch ni:


Would you like to help build a Conwy Coracle?

The Ministry of Water is calling for volunteers to help build a Conwy Coracle.

Over the last few months, Gofod Glas has been asking people what questions they have about the state of our freshwater in the Conwy Valleys. What’s the water quality like? Where are the worst problems? Is flooding be getting worse? Who/what has most power to change things? You can see (and add to) all the questions people have asked here.

As well as continuing to ask these questions, we now want to bring people together to have good conversations to share perspectives on possible answers. And we want to start by building a fleet of Conwy Coracles, in Llanrwst in March 2025.


Could the Conwy Coracle help us have good conversations about freshwater?

Here is the fisherman and poet, Ioan Glan Lledr, in his coracle in about 1880. He is believed to be the last to fish with a coracle on the Lledr and Conwy rivers.

Coracles represent an intimate connection between people and the environment, in their making and in their use.  And the Conwy coracle was unique (well, unusual at least) in that it was designed for two people. Read more about the history of the Conwy Coracle here

Could the Conwy Coracle be the perfect space or symbol for freshwater conversations? For fishing for or ‘gathering in’ different perspectives?

We want to try building a small fleet of Conwy Coracles and are seeking people who would like to take part. Participation is FREE.. The workshops will take place in Llanrwst in March 2025.

To find out more/express interest please email us:


Gwisg yr Afon/The River Dress


Holi’r Dyffryn! Ask the Valley!